It was beautiful out there, kids. By around 3pm I stripped the headphones off (I'm very, very nearly done with the first song for Hella Sound!) and hit the road.
Funny thing: a while back I was doing a post-run stretch that was recommended by Runner's World—the same stretch that caused Nitmos' foot to curl up into a "c"—when @LosBee walked by and pointed out that my legs were 2 different lengths.
"Your legs are 2 different lengths!" she said, or something to that extent.
Which got me thinking about how that may very well be contributing to some hip and lower-leg pain I seem to get. Then I was reading about the impact this type of physiological inconsistency can have after X number of miles (again, Runner's World I think), so I decided to go out and get a little lift to put in my not-as-tall-side shoe. Today was the test run.
It went pretty well, actually. At first my butt and my lower back were like "...heeeeyyy buddy, what's going on?", but within the first mile I got comfortable with the change and cruised along.
I'll report back if I spend all day tomorrow in excruciating pain.
I ran my scheduled 4 miles along my usual Bay route, through Crissy Field. There was a nice breeze, which always helps. After that I hit the gym.
Bench Press: 3 sets of 5 reps @ 185lbsDeadlifts: 3 sets of 5 reps @ 70lbs
Still Dips: 3 sets of 5 reps
Pull-Downs: 3 sets of 5 reps @ heavy weight
Seated Elliptical Rows: 3 sets of 5 reps @ heavy weight
I also generally do crunches on the Swiss ball, but I feel weird noting that I did "30 Ball Crunches"—it just sounds sorta...odd...and painful.
Hopefully it's nice out tomorrow. I'll make up for the 3 mile run I so flagrantly ditched yesterday (and instead went out for Chinese food). Mmmmm Kung Pow Chicken...
Photo courtesy of tanakawho on Flickr.